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Tucson Zero Waste Event This Saturday

Hello Tucson Freecycle members,

Happy Halloween! Hey, I just wanted to drop you all a quick line to let you know about an event this Saturday, November 2nd called Tucson Zero Waste.

It's from 9am to 1pm at 2700 E. Speedway (north of Himmel Park: enter off of 1st across from the Himmel Park parking lot and the always-cute, little Himmel Park library).

It's a pretty big deal and they will be accepting all sorts of stuff. City of Tucson provides free paper shredding. The police department provides for collection of old medications. Goodwill will be accepting small furniture, houseware and clothing. El Grupo will be accepting bikes and bike parts. And, the Disabled American Veterans will be accepting durable medical equipment.

So, clear out that shed and and feel great doing some easy do-goodery! :-)

Hope you all are doing grandly!

Deron, Freecycle Tucson

PS Here's the event website too fyi: https://www.tucsonzerowaste.com/